Allan Lichtman prediction on US Election 2020

US Elections 2020 has put lot of predictions and exceptions together. Enormous organizations and NGOs, astrologers, numerologists, ecnomic experts, political leaders and many more have been studying, polling and trying to predict the result of the upcoming US elections, but everyone wants to know what Allan Lichtman says about the winner. Allan Lichtman, a history professor, is one of those rare experts who never fails in all the US elections since 1984. The race to the 46th President of the United States of America to the White House in 2020 is between the current US President Donald Trump and his Democratic rival and former Vice President Joe Biden.

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The Professor Lichtman has created a system called 'The Keys to the White House', a very basic and simple, yet an important way of predicting the election results more popularly known as the '13 Keys' model. He answers 13 questions he has devised on True/False basis and predicts the next President. Midterm Gains, No contest during nominations, Incumbent President seeking re-elections, No third party contesting the elections, Strong short term economy,  Strong long term economy, Major policy change, Scandals, Foreign/military failure, Foreign/military success, No social unrest, Charisma of the President, Charisma of the challenger are the 13 topics/questions. If the majority questions answered as true then the current president will continue his term. 

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This year he observed seven false and six true for the questions in his '13 Keys' model which predicts Trump will have to pack up his stuff and leave the White House. However, people are saying US elections 2020 to be one of the most unpredictable elections in the history of the US. Everything was in good shape until corona virus outbreaks in US which is the only reason if Trump fails says Lichtman. 

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