Allergies during pregnancy could lead to psychological conditions in the child!

How and why autism and neurodevelopment disorders appear are still unknown. The search is still on as to why it occurs. Now, a recent study focuses on maternal allergies and how it is linked to autism. Already, lines have been drawn between allergies and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Similarly, there are already links that are known to exist between inflammation and schizophrenia, and autism.

The study found that allergic mothers' offsprings were  hyperactive and demonstrated less anxiety-like behavior. Lenz says: "Young rats engage in social play and males are more rough and tumble and usually play much more than females." However, the males in the allergy group were found to roughhouse with their peers significantly less.

"This is evidence that prenatal exposure to allergens alters brain development and function and that could be an under-appreciated factor in the development of neurodevelopmental disorders." Kathryn Lenz

"We're really interested in figuring out unknown factors in psychological disorders and in differences between male and female brain development as it relates to autism, ADHD, and other disorders."

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