Alo Libang, Health Minister of Arunachal Pradesh releases documentary on Adis cultural heritage

Alo Libang, the Minister of Health and Family Welfare in Arunachal Pradesh, unveiled a documentary on Adis cultural legacy made by the Research Institute of World's Ancient Traditions Cultures and Heritage on Tuesday (RIWATCH).

Gum Tayeng, a Dambuk MLA, Planning Commissioner Prashant Lokhande, Secretary of the Department of Indigenous Affairs (DIA) Remo Kamki, DIA Director Tayi Taggu, former Chief Information Commissioner Dr Joram Begi, and Adi Bane Kebang members were also in attendance.

The 31-minute film is part of a project to chronicle Adis cultural heritage that was approved by the Indigenous Affairs Department. It portrays Adis' rich cultural values, means of worship, many dance forms, rituals, decorations, herbal medical knowledge, and folk songs concerning their past and migration. It also includes vital comments from well-known figures about the need of preserving and nurturing the centuries-old cultural legacy.

"Documenting many aspects of our cultural life is important before it becomes extinct. Each feature must be documented and expounded on in its own way. For the benefit of future generations, our language, dancing forms, agricultural system, and weaving craft should be captured audio-visually and disseminated "Libang stated in his speech.

"It's a tall order to cover the many elements of 14 Adis subgroups in a single documentary. It becomes quite long, therefore it should be broken up into smaller chunks, perhaps one for each group individually "Vijay Swami, RIWATCH's Executive Director, stated. Previously, the State government signed a Memorandum of Understanding for grant support to improve RIWATCH's varied operations.

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