20 US lawmakers demanded Emergency Refugee Protection for safety of Afghan Sikh-Hindus

For the Sikh and Hindu community living in Afghanistan, a friend of India, US lawmakers have requested the Trump administration for help. Raising a case of persecution of minority religious communities living in Afghanistan, 20 US lawmakers have demanded Emergency Refugee Protection from the Trump administration.

In a letter addressed to Foreign Minister Mike Pompeo, 20 US lawmakers have requested to provide asylum to Afghan Sikh and Hindu communities under the US Refugee Admissions Program. Also, he said that the population of Hindus and Sikhs has declined due to the Taliban atrocities in Afghanistan and the recent terrorist attacks of ISIS Khorasan (ISIS Khorasan, ISIS-K). The MPs said, "The Trump administration has always said protecting religious freedom as a priority of foreign policy." He said, 'Sikh and Hindu communities in Afghanistan face danger from ISIS-K due to their religion.

In March this year, ISIS-K had targeted the Sikh gurdwara in Kabul. In which 25 devotees were killed. To protect religious freedom, we request you to take these necessary steps to protect these oppressed religious minorities. Apart from this, the Foreign Minister has also been requested to provide additional support to those members of Sikh and Hindu communities who want to stay in Afghanistan. Also, he said that at one time the number of people of Sikh and Hindu community in Afghanistan was around 250,000 but after decades of persecution, now this number has come down to 1,000.

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