America cautious with Corona, Trump signed bill of crores of rupees

Washington: The whole world is troubled today by the ever-increasing corona case. As soon as the victims of this disease are found there. At the same time, the Trump administration has been cautious about the Coronavirus. President Donald Trump signed a contingency spending bill of $ 8.3 billion (around Rs 59,000 crore) on Friday, March 6, 2020, to combat the epidemic. The president postponed a visit to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, but later said he could go there.

CDC visit in Atlanta: According to information received by Vice President Mike Pence in public on Thursday night at nine o'clock last night, Trump had indicated to go on tour. At the same time, it is being said that in a conversation with reporters running with him in Washington province, he had said that the President will give formal approval of the expenditure. The Vice President had said that the President can sign the bill on Friday. He is scheduled to visit the CDC in Atlanta, but the presidential public program released by the White House at 11:30 pm did not mention the tour. The White House stated its breakaway reason on Friday morning.

Donald Trump said, I can go: It is also being said that a White House official initially said that the President has cancelled the tour, because he does not want to interfere in the work being done in the centres. Staff there are struggling to control the virus, but after that President Trump told reporters that the visit was cancelled because the CDC suspected a coronavirus case. As soon as the bill was signed in the White House, Trump said, "The report of an infection in the CDC is negative, so I can go."

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