Numerology: Today's lucky number and auspicious colors

In astrology, a person's auspicious number is calculated according to the person's date of birth. Which is called Radix. Radix is the sum of the digits of the date of birth. For example, if a person was born on April 22, then the sum of their two digits comes to 2 + 2 = 4. This is called Radix. If someone's date of birth is two digits ie 11, his radius will be 1 + 1 = 2. Apart from this, the total sum of the date of birth, birth month and year of birth is called Bhagyank. For example, if someone is born on 22-04-2016, the sum of all these digits is called Bhagyank. 2 + 2 + 0 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 6 = 33 = 6 ie your luck is 6.

Number 1 Auspicious number - 7 Good color - Green Can go on a religious journey. One can buy books etc. The legal hurdles will gradually reduce. Work opportunities will increase. You can purchase precious items.

Number 2 Auspicious number - 6 Good color - Golden Health will not be good and cold may cause fever. Wear warm clothes. You will not like any other interference in your decisions. Avoid controversy or tribulation. Children may face problems.

Number 3 Auspicious number - 22 Good color - Red Call for an interview today. Relations with the boss will be better. The results of the students will be good. You will get guidance from any committed person. you can feel tired today.

Number 4 Auspicious number - 12 Good color - Green Everyone will like the presentation you have made. Marital couples may plan to go out somewhere. Respect may be raised in the honor of some natives. The partner can be supported in business.

Number 5 Auspicious number - 10 Good color - Blue May meet old friends. Work and employment efforts will have to be made more. There is a possibility of getting a gift from Beloved. The partner will be supported. Old problems will be less.

Number 6 Auspicious number - 6 Good color - magenta The office may change. The plan you make will be given a positive look. The problem will remain regarding relatives. You can invest in the stock market.

Number 7 Auspicious number - 12 Good color - Violet Today will be beneficial, but there will be apprehension in the mind. Do not do any work in haste with money related problems. You can be transferred to another city.

Number 8 Auspicious number - 13 Good color - Brown New relationships will be formed for love. Work area problems may occur. High voices will spoil the relationship. Income may increase. Important decisions will have to be made, so be restrained.

Number 9 Auspicious number - 15 Good color - yellow Financial troubles may occur. Spend thoughtfully The mind will be distracted. There will be tension in the love relationship too. You can buy a new car. The sources of income of some people will increase.

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