Apple will produce limited numbers of Iphone 8: Report

Apple's most awaited phone iPhone8 to have the unique features, which are rarely disclosed by the company. However, the leaks state that the phone will have the best ever advance tools in the device.

The phone will be launched till the end of Q3 that is till September, India will have the new competitor in its tech market iPhone8. However, as per the reports, Apple Inc will not produce the large number of units of iPhone8.

As per the research by Blayne Curtis, Christopher Hemmelgarn, Thomas O’Malley, and Jerry Zhang via MacRumors, "Suppliers generally had good things to say about the upcoming iPhone 8 launch (for our purposes iPhone 7s, iPhone 7s Plus, and iPhone Pro) as new features drive a more complicated manufacturing process and higher ASPs. We now believe that all three devices will feature wireless charging and will all be launched in the normal September timeframe, although the majority of iPhone Pro volumes may not be available until Q4."


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