Nawab Malik's big claim in Aryan Khan case said Shah Rukh Khan is...

Mumbai: Nawab Malik has once again made big explosive revelations at a press conference over the case of Aryan Khan, son of famous Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan. In which he said that Aryan Khan was kidnapped and taken on a cruise. His friend Prateek Gabha and Amir Furniturewala were the ones carrying him. This entire game was composed by Mohit Kamboj. Mohit Kamboj's brother-in-law Rishabh Sachdev was supporting Mohit Kamboj in this. NCB had arrested not 8 but 11 persons. Mohit Kamboj being in BJP, three persons were released under his pressure. The same Shahrukh Khan is being threatened to speak about this. He is being told that if you say something, your son will go to jail for a long time. 

Nawab Malik said that 'It was revealed in the court proceedings that Aryan Khan went on a cruise through Prateek Gabha and Aamir Furniturewala. This whole case is about kidnapping and recovery. Mohit Kamboj's brother-in-law was hired for this. The deal started from 25 crores and got fixed for 18 crores.' A selfie made matters worse. The mastermind of this entire game is Mohit Kamboj. Mohit runs 12 hotels in this city. And is a friend of Sameer Wankhede. Mohit opened the hotel on the side of the West Inn hotel and made a fake case against the West Inn so that it would be closed.

The same Nawab Malik made a big disclosure that Shah Rukh Khan is being intimidated that he had given money, he will also become a criminal. Nawab Malik said, 'Victim is never a criminal. Those from whom money is being taken by intimidation are not criminals. Pooja Dadlani is also being threatened that you will also become a criminal if you have given 50 lakhs. My point is that the victim should not be afraid, they should come forward.'

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