Aurangabad civic chief tests positive for novel coronavirus

MUMBAI: Maharashtra's Aurangabad district Municipal Corporation commissioner, Astik Kumar Pandey tested positive for the deadly virus corona. He recently, following last month took his second dose of the corona vaccine and still testes positive, a civic official said on Monday.

The COVID report of the Aurangabad civic chief had come positive on Sunday. He has mild symptoms and is currently under home isolation, reported news agency PTI. However, according to the director and medical superintendent of RML Hospital, Dr. Rana Anil Kumar Singh had said that no death has been reported and the severity of Covid is also reduced after vaccination. Dr. Sing has also quoted talking to famous media portal "If you look at the statistics, those who got vaccinated then scant minority do contract the virus and get infected. One thing is clear that there is not a single case of those who got vaccinated and contracted the disease died." 

He further added 'Secondly those who are vaccinated and have come in contact with virus then it never takes severe form. In many cases, people will never even get to know that they have contracted the virus.' The corona update for the district reports that around 1,508 new cases have come out on Sunday, taking its tally to 88,489, an official said. The new cases include 887 from Aurangabad city and 621 from rural areas of the district, officials said in the reports.

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