This country spending nearly one billion dollar on cyber security

These days, the whole world is worried because of China. Due to China's expansionary policy, he is engaged in making his slave by giving loans to economically weaker countries and spreading his business there. Many countries have been captured by their military force. Tibet is the biggest example of this. Now to avoid China's policies, other countries are increasing their defense spending and are taking cyber defense measures. In this episode, Australia has made a big announcement.

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Australia has announced the recruitment of 500 cyber experts to protect against cyberattacks from China, besides the next decade, Australia will spend about 100 million dollars to increase its military capability. This will be the biggest expenditure incurred so far on cyber-attack and defense by any country.

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Australia's relationship with China is also not very good, due to this, it is now going to make a big investment towards strengthening its defense and cyber expert. So that the security of the country can get new strength. Prime Minister Scott Morrison said that now cyber attacks are getting more, besides China is engaged in seizing the sea route, due to which these decisions have been taken to strengthen these two.

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