Avoid these 5 liquids before workout!!!

Want to exercise well at the gym or any other kind of the activities? Then you might want to look at the list of these liquids to avoid before a workout.


Avoid drinking alcohol before heading to the gym or working out. Even if it is in moderation, alcohol should be avoided as it throws you off balance. It makes it difficult for you to take any kind of decision and it promotes inflammation. You could also end up hurting yourself or over stretch. And not smelling good at the gym; you don’t want that, do you?

Drinks that contain Dairy:

Most energy drinks contain dairy, which is healthy but save it for after your workout at the gym as it contains a lot of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which take a long time to digest. These drinks can also give you gas and passing gas in the gym is even worse.

Sugary Fruit Drinks:

These are a total no-no. Almost all fruit drinks contain added sugar, even the so-called natural ones. the sugar present in this is in the form of high-fructose corn syrup, which is a bad food additive.

Carbonated Drinks:

Drinks like soda and coke and other fizzy drinks causes gas, bloating and pain in the abdomen. These drinks contain significant amounts of sodium, which draws water out of the body’s cells and can cause dehydration. The artificial sweetener aspartame, has been linked to side effects such as dizziness, memory loss, mood swings and migraines.

Sports Drinks:

This may be a surprise to you but most of these do not give you the necessary health benefits. It messes with your hormones and extends the amount of time your body needs to recuperate after exercise.

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