Balance Exercises to Cope with imbalance for ages

When a person hits a certain age, finding a balance is not the same as always and imbalance occurs often. Vision (especially perception), the vestibular system (part of the inner ear that works with vision and stops objects blurring when the head moves), and even touch (having a sense of your foot hitting the ground) are all connected to balance. Strength, reaction, time, and coordination of all these is must and it declines as we age, all of which also affects balance. The balance exercises for seniors help in mitigating the changes. Short walks around the block, playing with the kids at the park, and walking the aisles at the grocery store are a few everyday examples of activities that can improve balance. Few exercises that can be suggested are:

-One simple exercise to help improving the balance is standing on one leg at a time. Stand with your feet together, holding onto a chair or the wall with one hand if needed. Slowly lift your left knee up to bring your foot off the ground. Hold on for 30 seconds. Then, put your left foot back on the ground and repeat on the right side.

-Walking through the rope is to start in a standing position with your feet very close to each other. Then, start to walk forward slowly, placing one foot directly in front of the other. Repeat this move until you've walked across all the way across the room. This exercise helps with perception.

-The 'gait training,' is regaining the balance during locomotive activities. Start by standing with your feet pointing straight ahead, knees straight, and hips facing forward. Your shoulders should be down and back, ears in line with shoulders, and head in a neutral position. Place your hands on your hips. Step forward with one foot. Bend both knees, inhale, and lower the body until your front thigh is parallel to the floor, or until you achieve a range of motion that is comfortable for your body. Your back knee should not touch the floor. To come out of the lunge, exhale and push through your front heel and press with your back foot. Step feet together and return to the standing neutral start position. Repeat with the other foot.

-Squats also help strengthen the lower body and keep joints in the hips and knees flexible. Start with your feet hip-width apart, with your arms down by your side. Brace your core, push your butt back and bend your knees (like you’re sitting in a chair). Keep your gaze forward as you lower your body. Then, slowly rise back up to a standing position. Repeat this move for 30 seconds.

-Aerobic classes and activities (such as walking) can help building up cardiovascular stamina.  

 Find a form of exercise that really speaks to you and go from there.

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