These tips will work to make the torn heels soft in winter

The problem of dryness of the feet and rupture of the ankles is very common during the winter season and everyone is troubled by this problem in this season. Sometimes, the ankles are torn so much that blood starts coming out of them. If you have this foot problem in winter, then you should try the tips given below. With the help of these tips, torn ankles will become perfect and become soft.

Turmeric: Heat the water after bleeding from torn heels and put turmeric and coconut oil. Keep your feet in this water for 10 minutes. Doing this will stop your bleeding and the feet will become soft. Actually, turmeric has anti-fungal and antiseptic properties that act to correct the ankles. If you want, instead of putting feet in turmeric water, you can also apply turmeric paste on them. To apply turmeric on the feet, add coconut oil inside the turmeric and apply this paste on the feet. Allow it to dry well and after drying, clean it with the help of lukewarm water.

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Apply honey: Often, the feet become dry after taking a bath. So after bathing you put honey on your feet. Applying honey on the feet will retain the moisture of the feet. After taking a bath, put one spoon of honey in half a cup of water and wash the feet with this water. Your feet will become very soft. If you want, you can apply honey on your body as well.

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Massage oil: Massage them with coconut oil when the heels are torn. Applying warm coconut oil on the feet will make them soft and their stance will disappear. With this, torn ankles will also be corrected. You dry your feet well after taking a bath. Then rub coconut oil on them and let this oil dry properly.

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Apply petroleum jelly: If your feet are very dry and the ankles are badly torn, then you apply petroleum jelly on them. Apply petroleum jelly on them before going to bed at night and then wear socks. Do these tips every day. Within just a week, your heels will be corrected. At the same time, after bathing in the morning, you can apply petroleum jelly on your feet.

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