These are the benefits of using coriander and turmeric, removes acne

To make look even more impressive, women use a variety of cosmetics and gets into trouble regarding their chemical side effects. If your skin has become dry and you are also troubled by pimples and blemish spots, then use this natural method before resorting to a cosmetic. Coriander not only adds flavor to your food, but also takes care of your skin

It is worth noting that the mixture of coriander and turmeric juice acts as anti-bacterial which works effectively on pimples. Apart from this, the coriander which contains 86.3% moisture helps to keep the skin dry and helps in removing dry patches. Coriander and turmeric, having anti-oxidants and vitamins, help in keeping the skin clean and helps in bringing glow.

Necessary ingredients :

• 2 tablespoons Coriander

• turmeric powder

• 1 glass of water

Method of preparation: Put two teaspoons of coriander in water and boil till it changes colour. After that keep the water to cool down and filter. Then make a liquid by adding a pinch of turmeric to it. But do not add so much turmeric to it that the colour of the face becomes yellow.

Method of use: Apply this liquid on your face and leave it overnight. The next day wash the face with water. After applying it for three to four days, your dry skin will improve. Even acne and blackheads on your skin will reduce.

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