Benefits of using Onion daily

Onions are eaten in every home. In Indian homes, there is hardly any vegetable made without onion. In addition, it is also used in salad.

Today, we tell you about the benefits of onion. Raw onion controls blood pressure. It contains methyl sulphide and amino acids. That's why it keeps cholesterol under control and protects the heart from diseases.

If someone in your home has arthritis or joint pain then massage onion juice will be relaxing. Massaging the onion juice with mustard oil gives relief. Mix onion juice with sugar and make a syrup and drink it and get rid of stones.

By drinking empty stomach in onion juice, the stone carries out its way through the way of thirst.

Diabetic patients should eat raw onion with food.

By eating onions, the level of insulin becomes normal in the body.

Hair fall, uneven whiteness, the problem of dandruff has become commonplace. Onions are a boon for these hair problems. Mix onion juice and honey in equal amounts. Now eat it regularly from the amount of ten to fifteen grams. This will definitely give sexual energy to you.

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