Coronavirus killing black people at alarming rate: Beyonce

Coronavirus is wreaking havoc everywhere. To avoid this, lockdowns have been imposed in many countries. Hollywood's renowned singer Beyoncé Knowles, during the 'One World: Together at Home' virtual concert, exposed the deadly effects of the corono virus epidemic on African American communities in the US, saying that the virus has caused black people at an alarmingly high rate Is killing According to foreign media reports, the presence of people during Beyoncé's concert was amazing and she spoke about the most deadly virus for the communities. He also expressed gratitude to medical professionals and essential workers.

This time she said, "Tonight we celebrate for the true heroes who are making sacrifices to keep all of us safe and sound. For the doctors, nurses and other health care workers who are away from their families. We pray for your safety. For the food industry, distribution workers, mail carriers and sanitation workers who are constantly working so that we can We thank you for your selfless service. "The 38-year-old singer said on the plight of the African-American community," Black Americans are part of a workforce that does not have the luxury of working from home and African- The American community is severely affected in a big way. "

The Grammy Award-winning artist said, "This virus is killing black people in America at an alarmingly high rate." Singer went on to say, "A recent arrival from my hometown of Houston, Texas The report revealed that 57 percent of Covid-19 deaths in the city of Houston are of African-Americans. Please protect yourself. We are a family and we need you. We need you in this world Shy voices, your abilities and your strength are needed. I know this is very difficult, but please be patient, encourage, keep faith, be positive and keep praying for our heroes. May God bless you. "

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