Colour containing 'harmful chemical' thrown at BJP MP Locket Chatterjee in West Bengal's Hooghly

West Bengal: The first phase of voting took place on Saturday in West Bengal. At the same time, many such reports came in which violence and clashes took place. Amidst all this, there was also news of throwing poisonous colors on BJP candidate and MP Lockett Chatterjee from the Chuchura assembly seat. In this case, the BJP MP has accused TMC of this. Actually, Locket Chatterjee says that on Saturday evening, she had gone to attend an event with women supporters at Kalitla Maidan in Rabindranagar.



TMC goons led by Trinamool Panchayat Pradhan Vidyut Vishwas of Kodalia No. 2 Gram Panchayat threw poisonous color on them. It is being said that some parts of Lockett Chatterjee's eye and mouth have been injured in this attack. According to the information received, TMC has rejected all these allegations. It is being said that the BJP said that this game of hatred, violence, and oppression will be over soon. Apart from this, BJP also said that due to fear of defeat, the people of TMC are now harassing women. 

By the way, let us also tell you that in addition to Locket Chatterjee, Suvendu Adhikari's brother Soumendu Adhikari's car was attacked. At the same time, in this case, Suvendu Adhikari has accused TMC workers that they are influencing the booth officers. The Somandu officer's car was damaged in this attack. 

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