Uproar in Rajya Sabha on Delhi violence, First-time riots took place in front of a foreign head of state

New Delhi: There is a debate in the Rajya Sabha today over the Delhi violence. During this time, where the opposition attacked the government, the members of the persecuting party gave a befitting reply to the allegations of the opposition. BJP MP Sudhanshu Trivedi said it was a bizarre riot as it was the first time that a foreign head of state had come to India and a riot broke out. Trivedi said this was the only riot in which opposition leaders did not appeal for peace, but rather provocative statements.

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Accusing the government during the debate, Congress MP Kapil Sibal said why no FIR has been made so far for those making inflammatory statements. Congress leader Kapil Sibal said that Delhi was ablaze and the PM was silent for 70 hours. He said that some people are spreading viruses. Sibal said that police have been seen breaking the CCTV cameras in many places. It is clear that efforts were being made to save those who were involved in the violence. People who had nothing to do with the riots, such people also died. At whose behest was Delhi Police acting.

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Earlier in the Lok Sabha, this issue was fiercely debated on Wednesday. The opposition in the Rajya Sabha had demanded a discussion on Delhi violence on Wednesday itself. The opposition also wanted a discussion on the two ordinances ending. TMC MPs, including Congress leaders Ghulam Nabi Azad, Anand Sharma, proposed a debate on Delhi violence on Wednesday.

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