Delhi: BJP to contest MCD polls through Panch Parmeshwar, made this masterplan

New Delhi: BJP has started ground preparations for the Delhi Municipal Corporation elections. Corporation elections are going to be held in Delhi first and with this, assembly elections are going to be held in other states of the country. Along with the preparations for these elections, preparations are also being made to conduct the corporation elections. For this, the BJP has first decided to deploy Panch Parmeshwar in the entire Delhi. 

According to party sources, this process will be completed by September 15 and the party will be engaged in election preparations by holding a big convention in October. Recently, the strategy related to the meeting of state office bearers regarding the election of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi was discussed. According to the report, to make Panch Parmeshwar, BJP has prepared in-charges according to all the Lok Sabha and with their help, 7 other office bearers have been appointed. Together this team will ensure the deployment of Panchparameshwar in all the municipal wards of the national capital. After this process is over, the BJP will hold a big convention in October in which all the Panch Parameshwaras will be called.

Let us tell you that the Panch Parmeshwar will be there to strengthen the ground position of the BJP and their task will be to establish rapport with the Panna Pramukhs. According to the party, there are around 13800 booths across Delhi and a booth has around twenty panna heads. This page is a list prepared by the Election Commission and the party decides the responsibility of its workers for each page to be in touch with all the people of their area and do the work of expansion of the party.

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