Brain Tumor and it's Early Signs and Symptoms!!!

A Brain tumor is a growth of abnormal cells in the brain. A tumor can be benign or malignant. Malignant brain tumors usually develop when cancer from other parts of the body spread to the brain. Although it's not clear why a tumor develops, but it could be due to genetic conditions or exposed to radiation could also be a cause.

The symptoms that come with it:

Bad headaches that worsen with pressure in your head like coughing or bending. Constant vomiting or feeling like bringing up. Blurred vision, vision loss that comes and goes or seeing dots or thin strands. Seizures that affect the whole body or just one part like an arm or leg. When tumors grow, you may sleep more often. Personality changes like being aggressive and irritable. Loss of smell. Weakness either on the left side or right side of the body. Problems with memory. You might have trouble understanding and using language. It could also cause a lack of coordination and a stiff neck . You may face trouble with walking. One may experience facial weakness and difficulty swallowing. Partial paralysis may also be caused. Irregular periods. Development of breast in men. Facial weakness and difficulty swallowing. Excessive body hair Obesity and changes in blood pressure Enlargement of hands and feet

It's important to keep in mind that the symptoms mentioned here can also be caused by other conditions. If you have a doubt or you have persistent symptoms then it's best to get checked up for brain tumor.

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