Punjab: Will roadway buses start operating in state?

From Wednesday, Punjab Roadways buses will run on select routes between major cities and district headquarters with 50% ridership in Punjab. These buses will run only from the bus bases, where all the passengers will be checked before boarding the buses. The ban on the bus for other states will continue till May 31.

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On this matter, Punjab Transport Minister Razia Sultana chaired the high-level meeting of the Transport Department on Monday, saying that the Department will ensure that all passengers maintain social distance. It will be necessary to wear a mask for everyone. Your hands will also have to be cleaned with a sanitizer provided by the drivers. Buses will not ply in the Containment Zone.

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In his statement further, Razia Sultana said that only one driver and two passengers will be able to board a taxi, four wheeler. Similarly, a driver and two passengers will be allowed in rickshaws and autos. Only one rider or husband or wife can go on two-wheelers and bicycles. A small child can also go with the rider.

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