Can corona virus spread through eyes?

Coronavirus has caught millions of people all over the world so far. Many countries are trying to find medicine for the virus. So that the spread of coronavirus can be stopped as soon as possible. Many scientists are also doing research on the trend of coronavirus. The purpose of this research is to understand the trend of corona and look for effective medicine.

Recently there has been researching in which it has been claimed that the coronavirus can enter the body through the eyes. After this thing is revealed, wearing only a mask and considering yourself safe has come under suspicion. The coronavirus usually increases its numbers in the lungs and respiratory tract. Which enters from one body to another through the breath.

Corona's eye-spreading research claims that if an infected person's sneeze or cough falls to the surface of a healthy person's eye from the ground or elsewhere, the virus can start infiltrating the cells from there. Due to which scientists have expressed the possibility of a healthy person getting infected with the coronavirus.

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