2 lakh children die every year due to open defecation, other initiatives will have to be taken

Due to the efforts of the government, toilets have been made everywhere but in many research, it has been revealed that people still go out for defecation even today. Yes, toilet in today's time is important for everyone like bread, clothes, house and without it, it is difficult to guess life. Nowadays people consider it appropriate to defecate in the toilet, which is right.

Toilets are necessary not only for physical health, but also for the progress of the nation

* Data for the year 2018 - A team led by guest researcher Diane Kaufe, a visiting researcher at the Indian Statistical Institute, has analyzed the toilets, and according to this team the rural areas of Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh are less Less than 43% of people defecate in the open for 'cultural and other reasons'. Let us tell you that this is the figure of the year 2018 and among this 43 % of people, there are many people whose toilets were built in the house.

Even today, it happens that people have toilets in their homes, but still people run outside citing tradition. Many people like to defecate outside and they believe that doing so gives pure desi. After stating all these reasons, those people also go out to defecate, whose toilets are built in the house. In the year 2018, around 23% of the people were those who were provided with toilets under the Swachh Bharat Mission but still preferred to defecate in the open because it is included in their habit.

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan improved the condition of villages, toilets reduced pollution

* It is not enough to build toilets alone - everyone thinks that if a toilet is built in people's homes, then they will go to the toilet to defecate, but it is not so. Many people still like to defecate outside even if they themselves are sick of it or make others sick, but it has become involved in their habit somewhere.

In today's time, people definitely need awareness that should be spread in them so that it does not go outside for defecation. People have to tell about the harm caused by open defecation. They have to explain. They have to be convinced that how open defecation is fatal, only then the process of open defecation will end. Just toilets are not enough, a lot will have to be done for that.

People do these common mistakes in the toilet

* Death due to open defecation - The harm caused by open defecation has been researched by the University of Texas economist Dean Spears and social scientist Diane Coffey and both researchers have researched the harm caused by open defecation in India. Found that, "Every year, about 2 lakh children in India are unable to celebrate their fifth birthday due to open defecation." According to them, "Open defecation is spreading. Due to infection, the length and nutrition of children is also being affected and the germs produced by open defecation are affecting the physical and mental development of children as well.

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