Women are uniquely at risk for cancer of the cervix, as well as other parts of their reproductive system, and there are a several factors to consider when considering the likeliness of cervical cancer.

Risk factors include unsafe sex, multiple sex partners, being overweight, use of oral contraceptives, genetics, smoking, poor immunity, multiple pregnancies and first pregnancy at a young age.

Here are a few symptoms of cervical cancer you should not ignore.

Vaginal Discharge

This is normal when you experience it in small amounts without any color or odour. However, if the discharge increases and smells foul, or if there is any type of irregular appearance, it could be a sign of cervical cancer.

Irregular Menstrual Cycles

There should be consistency when it comes to monthly periods. If time, frequency or any kind of changes that disrupt the regular routine, it could lead to cervical cancer in future.

Unexplained Weight Loss

The body produces cytokines, which break down fats and proteins much faster than otherwise.

Leg Pain

This could be an early sign of cervical cancer. If the cervical cancer grows and moves to an advanced stage, it can press against the pelvic wall nerves causing pain or swelling in the legs.

Pelvic/Back Pain

If you experience Pelvic or back pain it could be because of advanced cervical cancer. At this point, it’s possible that the tumour has grown so much that it’s now pressing down on the lower back or tailbone.

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