China and India demand a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Ukraine

United States: China and India on Saturday called for an end to the conflict in Ukraine at the United Nations, while Russia refrained from backing longtime ally Russia.

Russia's foreign minister addressed the General Assembly after a week of pressure at the UN General Assembly, issuing a scathing rebuke to Western countries for their "bizarre" campaign against the Russians.

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However, no major country came to Russia's rescue, not even China, which promised an "unbreakable" bond with President Vladimir Putin just days before the February invasion of Ukraine.

According to Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Russian and Ukrainian officials were urged to "stop the spread of the crisis" and harm developing countries.

“China supports all initiatives to advance a peaceful resolution of the Ukraine crisis. According to Wang, facilitating peace talks is a top priority.

Building a balanced, efficient and long-lasting security infrastructure is the fundamental solution to the legitimate security concerns of all parties. They spoke for the first time since the start of the war when Wang met with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitro Kuleba at the UN. Earlier this month, during a meeting with his counterpart Xi Jinping, Putin acknowledged Chinese "concerns" about Ukraine.

US officials say Beijing has rejected requests to send military equipment, forcing Russia to rely on North Korea and Iran, and that this lack of Chinese support for the war has encouraged them.

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China's response to Russia is being closely monitored for indications of how Beijing will approach Taiwan, a self-governing democracy that Beijing claims as its territory.

Wang stressed that any attempt to prevent "reunification" with Taiwan would be "crushed by the wheels of history" and that China would take "strong steps" against it.

Unlike China, India has cordial relations with the United States, but its primary defense supplier is Russia, a country with which it has a long history.

India's Foreign Minister, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar said, "We are often asked whose side we are on as the Ukraine conflict continues.

India is in favor of peace and will remain firmly there, our response every time, he said. We support the argument that dialogue and diplomacy are the only viable options.

During a press conference, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov declined to say whether China had put any pressure on Russia. He attempted to directly blame the West in his speech. "There has never been a level of official Russophobia in the West.

 The scope is strange now," Lavrov said in his address to the General Assembly. He openly states his intention to destroy and destabilize Russia, in addition to bringing about a military defeat for our country.

Since the end of the Cold War, according to Lavrov, the United States has behaved as if it were "God's messenger on earth, with the sacred right to act with impunity wherever and whenever they wish." keep."

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Additionally, he denounced the European Union as an "authoritarian, rigid, authoritarian entity" and claimed that the bloc's leadership forced the president of one member state, Cyprus's Nikos Anastasiades, to postpone a scheduled meeting with him. .

"We never shied away from keeping in touch," Lavrov said. He then criticized the West for not engaging with Russia.

Western powers are considering additional sanctions and vowed not to recognize the results of the referendum on Russian occupation in occupied territories, after Putin called reservists and issued a subliminal threat to use nuclear weapons. Is. He praised Lavrov's boycott, pointing out that he attended Thursday's Security Council meeting only to speak and not listen to others.

At the General Assembly on Saturday, Russia found a lone, unusual voice of support. Mali's interim prime minister, Colonel Abdoulaye Maiga, elected by the coup leaders, praised the "exemplary and fruitful cooperation" with Moscow.

Despite Western allegations of rights violations, the junta has welcomed Wagner Group's security company from Russia as France withdrew its troops that were battling a jihadist insurgency.

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