China army digging underground tunnels, India opposes

Continuing to infiltrate the Indian territory of Ladakh, claiming its claim, another unfortunate move of China has emerged. China has started building large-scale military infrastructure near the Line of Actual Control (LAC) on the border here. Sources in the Ministry of Defense told on Thursday that the People's Liberation Army (PLA) of China has built underground tunnels by laying tents here and also laying tunnels in the disputed Finger-8 area near Pangong So Lake area. India has objected to this, after which tensions between the two countries have increased.

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According to the media report, Chinese army has intensified patrolling in this area as well as increasing its troops. Indian soldiers are being stopped from movement here, whereas earlier the armies of both the countries used to patrol here. Sources say that earlier the armies of both the countries had not done any permanent construction here, but now China started to occupy the tents here and it is a matter of great concern for Indian security.

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Pangong So Lake is spread on both sides of LAC in Chinese occupied Tibet and Indian Ladakh region about 134 kilometers in length. About two-thirds of this lake is occupied by China, while the northern side of Ladakh is with India. China continues to object to the presence of the Indian Army here, describing the northern part as its own. Due to this, both the armies have also collided several times here. According to the Indian Army, every time after a fight between the soldiers of the two armies, a fixed procedure is followed to reduce the tension between the two countries. In the process, a flag meeting is held between the officers of the Brigadier level and the matter is resolved.

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