Corona test to be held in just 15 minutes, China send 3 lakh rapid test kits to India

Beijing: Three lakh rapid antibody test kits have been delivered to India from Guangzhou Airport in China today (Saturday). These kits will be used for immediate investigation of the coronavirus. On Saturday, the Indian Ambassador to Beijing said that India is fighting the war against the coronavirus like other countries and we will need more test kits to check it. Therefore, nearly three lakh rapid antibody test kits have been sent from Guangzhou airport to Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu on Saturday.

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He said, 'About three lakh rapid antibody test kits have just been sent by Air India from Guangzhou Airport in China which will reach Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu. Our team is doing great work.' China had earlier sent 650,000 Coronavirus test kits on Thursday as well. On Thursday, Vikram Egyptian had told that more than 20 lakh test kits being purchased from China will be transported to India in the next 15 days.

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Apparently, India is getting equipment from China for medical facilities to fight against the Coronavirus these days. Coronavirus reports can be obtained in just 15 minutes with the help of Rapid Antibody Tests Kit. The good thing is that this test will be done by blood sample itself and nasal swabs will not be required for this.

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