Chinese scientist claims, 'Coronavirus was not born in Wuhan'

Beijing: China 's health consultant and scientist has claimed that the corona virus did not originate in Wuhan city. These scientists are also the heads of a national level team investigating the coronavirus infection. His name is Doctor Zhong Nanshan. Dr. Nanshan has said that it is true that the coronavirus spread from Wuhan, capital of Hubei province of China. But it is not true that the coronavirus has originated in Wuhan itself.

83-year-old Dr. Nanshan has told the media around the world in a press conference that the birthplace of Coronavirus is not Wuhan. He said that Wuhan is the capital of Hubei province and it is home to 11 million people. The virus may have come here from some other place and spread rapidly. Dr. Zhong Nanshan said that the problem of us scientists and doctors is that we believe in advance that a virus must have been generated from this city, man, animal. Whereas, first we should check this fact.

Dr. Nanshan said that the coronavirus began to spread from Wuhan, but it is not yet known whether the virus originated in Wuhan or elsewhere. Or it came from somewhere else in Wuhan.

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