Choose RakshaSutra colour according to your zodiac Sign to get beneficial result

In Hinduism the RakshaSutra is considered to be very powerful. By tying the knot in the hands, many difficulties of life can be overcome. If the reservoir is built according to the zodiac and the planets, there is no obstacle in life. Therefore, you should take the RakshaSutra according to your zodiac and planets. Each planet has a special type of protector attached to it. If the planet's bad influence is higher in your horoscope then you should adopt the dome of the color associated with that planet.

Shani Dev The grace of Shani Dev will remain on you and their anger can be reduced from life, for this, you should put the blue cotton yarn in your hands. By binding the thread of this color, Shani Dev protects you with every trouble.

For Mercury Planet : Those people who have the outbreak of Mercury in the horoscope, they should be tied in green silk thread. This color is connected to the planet Mercury. In the horoscope, when the planet becomes weak, there are problems in human life. Those people whose horoscope is strengthened, those people get a boost in life. By plugging the green dwarf, this planet becomes stronger in the horoscope.

For Lunar Planet: Lunar planet has a good effect in life so that you can wear white thread. Together with the moon planet of this color, Shiva will be pleased and will fulfill your every wish.

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For Rahu-Ketu Planet: Being a Rahu-Ketu in the horoscope does not get success in any work of life. For this planet's trick to be right in your horoscope, you get tied to a black thread. By binding the thread of this color, Bhairav ​​also protects you with every problem.

For Mars: If the impact of Mars is in the horoscope, then you should wear the red and yellow thread. These two colors help keep the planet calm. Apart from this, this color is also the favorite color of Hanuman ji and when you bind the thread of this color in your hand, you also get the grace of Hanuman ji.

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