Chris Hemsworth reveals ‘Thor: Ragnarok’ was one of the best movie ever of his career.

Hollywood Actor Chris Hemsworth said he had suggested the makers of 'Thor: Ragnarok' to shoot the film in Australia, and was lucky that they accepted to it.

"I suddenly asked if we could plan to shoot in Australia and thankfully the Marvel guys said they would look into it but couldn't promise anything. To me, to be home again for more than two weeks would be fantastic. And it worked out. It was so good," Hemsworth said in a statement. "It was so nice being there. There's just such a familiarity with the crew and everything here. And I get to sleep in my own bed. But I also think there's such wonderful talent here as well, in the cast and crew across the board. So it was fantastic. And the weather was brilliant. I don't think we got rained out at all. It's just been one of the best shoots I've been part of," Chris said

Hemsworth will be back as Thor in the third installment. Asked about the experience of shooting in Brisbane, Hemsworth said, "Man, that was nuts. I'd never seen that many people excited for a film crew. There were more people there than any premiere I've been to, and more excitement and buzz than any premier event I've been to."

"The people of Brisbane were thrilled and packed in the streets to catch a look. The city sort of stopped for those couple of days. It was such a positive buzz, and we were all trying to get out there and sign autographs in between takes as much as we could. That was pretty special. It was great."

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