Clothes torn by mob, Pakistan woman TikToker assaulted, Case filed

In a frightful incident, a female TikToker in Pakistan was assaulted by hundreds of people in Pakistan's Lahore on August 14. A case in this regard has been filed by Lahore Police against hundreds of unknown persons for assaulting and stealing from the TikToker and her companions. The incident happened at the Greater Iqbal Park area of Lahore on Pakistan's Independence Day on August 14.

In her FIR, the complainant has said that she and her companions were filming a video near Minar-e-Pakistan on Independence Day when around 300 to 400 people "attacked us". The female TikToker stated in her accusation that she and her companions tried their best to flee from the crowd but in vain. The park's security guard tried to help them by opening the gate to the enclosure around Minar-e-Pakistan.

"However, the crowd was huge and people were scaling the enclosure and coming towards us. People were pushing and pulling me to the extent that they tore my clothes. Several people tried to help me but the crowd was too huge and they kept throwing me in the air," she said. According to the TikToker, her ring and earrings were "forcibly taken" by the mob which also took the mobile phone of one of her companions.

"The unidentified persons assaulted us violently," the complainant added. The FIR was filed under Sections 354 A (assault or use of criminal force against woman and stripping her of her clothes), 382 (theft after preparation made for causing death, hurt or restraint in order to commit the theft), 147 (rioting) and 149 (unlawful assembly) of the Pakistan Penal Code. he videos of the incident have now gone viral on social media with people demanding strict action against the culprits.

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