Consumption of coffee removes stones problem, know what research says

The benefits of drinking coffee are many, so the disadvantages are not less. There are many types of losses of coffee that you might know but even after that, you consume coffee. But coffee is consumed worldwide to give instant energy to the body. Recent research has given information about another benefit of coffee. Let us tell you, the research results show that the consumption of coffee can reduce the risk of gallstones in the gall bladder. Let's know about it.

According to research, people who consume 6 cuffs of coffee a day have a very low risk of gallstones. Speaking of statistics, the risk of gallstones is less by 23 percent compared to those who do not drink coffee. Let us tell you, in this research, the data of 104500 people have been analyzed. People involved in the research were tracked for 13 years. Researchers claim that research has been done on the possibility of stones in the coffee intake and hives of these people.

What the figures say According to researchers, drinking one cup of coffee a day reduces the risk of gall bladder stones by 3 percent. Increasing the quantity of coffee also reduces the possibility of danger.

According to the guidelines related to coffee, consuming more than 400 mg of caffeine in a day is harmful. If we talk about the amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee, then it can be about 70 to 140 mg.

Causes of gallstones Generally, the cause of gallstones in the gall bladder is caused by eating foods with high oil spices and cholesterol. There is a problem of severe pain in the stomach due to gallstones. Researchers believe that the consumption of caffeine slows down the process of cholesterol formation.

To avoid gallstones, a healthy diet requires timely eating. If you drink too much coffee, then it can also have side effects.

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