Confidential documents leaks from Harayana Secretariat employee

The CFMS (Central File Monitoring System) of the Government of the Indian state of Haryana has been breached. Confidential documents are leaking from the Civil Secretariat. The gossip of leaking information contained in a highly confidential file has fallen on an employee. An employee of the Secretariat Services Branch has been suspended. Its services have been under suspicion before and it has been in charge sheet for 3-4 years.

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Now the ACR of the government will also be spoiled by leaking confidential documents. Some other employees are also on the government's radar, who are suspected of leaking confidential documents. These employees send confidential documents through WhatsApp to groups of employees and elsewhere. The Chief Secretary got information about this last week.

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The employee of the Secretariat Services Branch, who has been suspended, was also a link officer. The confidential file from which the information was leaked was to be disposed of by an employee who was on leave. The link officer was replaced in his place. After completing the formalities of the file, he took a picture of it and sent a copy of the document forward, which created a ruckus. The entire matter has reached Chief Secretary Keshani Anand Arora, on which he ordered strict action against the employee who leaked information to the Secretariat Establishment Branch. First, the employee who was on leave was suspended. As soon as the government realized the mistake, the action was taken on the real culprit by restoring it.

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