MLA Arif Masood appeals to protest against rising inflation

Bhopal: The global epidemic corona crisis in Madhya Pradesh continues but on the other hand, appeals are also on by the opposition to the government on some issue or the other. Amidst all this, Congress MLA Arif Masood has appealed to all to protest against the rising price rise in the BJP government, waiver of electricity bill for free treatment of corona patients.

Yes, recently, Bhopal Congress MLA Arif Masood said in a statement, "Waiver of electricity bill to treat corona patients free of cost in hospitals due to rising inflation. At the same time, he has accused the government of playing with corona patients.

He says the BJP government is responsible for the continuous deaths during the Corona period. At the same time, Congress MLA Arif Masood said last Wednesday, "On May 20, the people of Bhopal have appealed to the people of Bhopal to protest against the government by putting black flags on their homes. He further said, "Inflation is constantly rising in modi and shivraj government. ''

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