Insurance company brought two new policies due to Corona epidemic

Due to Corona, there has been a lot of change in every region of the country. Meanwhile, on the instructions of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India, all health and general insurance companies are offering a policy called COVID-19 Kavach and Corona Rakshak. Most insurance companies have launched, or are about to launch, both of these policies. Three types of periods have been fixed for both policies. 105 days, 195 days and 285 days.

The amount of the policy will be fixed according to the same period and cover. Customers in the age group of 18-65 years can take either of these two policies. Insurance from Rs 50,000 to Rs 2.5 lakh has been arranged under COVID-19 armor, from Rs 50,000 to Rs 2.5 lakh under COVID-19 protector. The insurance period will begin after 15 days of payment of the policy amount. Only one insurance will be valid for one person.

If you take the same insurance from different companies, the other will become invalid. There is no provision for renewing this insurance. According to the insurance companies, under the Corona Raksha policy, the infected must be admitted to the hospital for 72 hours to pay the insurance. The infection report from Corona should be from a government recognized lab. There will be no cost for treatment at home under the Corona Guard. According to insurance companies, a person aged 18-39 years will have to pay up to Rs 250-270 for a cover of Rs 50,000 for 105 days under COVID-19 protector. With this, many kinds of changes have taken place in insurance.

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