Corona takes form of epidemic, people suffering from water and food scarcity

Washington: The outbreak of Corona that is getting increased suddenly takes the form of epidemic for the whole world. This virus has caught more than 165000 deaths so far. But still this death game has not stopped. This virus has rocked the whole world today. Due to this virus, food and water scarcity is increasing in many places today.

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97 percent of households are not even provided with clean water: According to the United Nations, in the year 2015, only 15% of Sub Saharan Africans had facilities to wash their hands. In 2017, clean water and soap was not available in 97% of the households in Liberia. Calypso Chalkido, director of global health policy at the research group Center for Global Development, says that the things needed here are minimal.

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Support for curfew and traffic restrictions: Many countries without health resources are resorting to curfew and traffic restrictions to protect their people. The good thing is that these restrictions were implemented in the initial phase.

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