South Korea: Physical distance rules will continue till this day
South Korea: Physical distance rules will continue till this day

After the arrival of eight new coronavirus patients in South Korea on Sunday, the physical distance rules have been extended till May 5. The Prime Minister of the country has said that after some relaxation the guidelines of physical distance will also be followed. This statement by Chung Seo Kyun comes hours after South Korean health officials filed reports of eight more cases of coronavirus.

In his statement, Chung said that the government has decided to suspend the operation of religious organizations, gyms and bars. With this, public facilities will be restored. He said that if there are no spectators, then outdoor sports can also be organized. He said that the government will provide limited number of jobs. In addition to this, quarantine will allow license related examinations at the places. Chung said that this is definitely not the time to feel relieved. Chung said that if the risk of the virus spreading again increases, the government will make strict adherence to the physical distance rules. He said that we South Korea should find ways to revive the economy.

For your information, let us tell you that the rate of new cases of new cases is being recorded continuously in South Korea, which is fast recovering from the Corona epidemic. In the last 24 hours, only 18 new cases were confirmed. This is the lowest number of new cases in the last two months. In view of this trend, officials are now preparing to restore some economic activities. South Korea's Center for Disease Control and Prevention said on Saturday that the number of corona-infected people in the country has increased to ten thousand 653. So far 232 victims have died.

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