London: There is an atmosphere of panic in the world due to the rapidly increasing deadly coronavirus in China. At the same time, the outbreak of this virus of China is increasing in other countries as well. It is also being said that 132 people have died so far in China alone due to the virus. In addition to China, coronavirus patients have been confirmed in many countries of the world. Researchers have identified 30 countries where there is the highest risk of this deadly virus. Among the countries or cities at highest risk of the virus, Thailand, Japan and Hong Kong are at the top. In the study, America has been placed in the sixth position, Australia is placed at 10th, the UK is at 17th and India at 23rd. Delhi assembly election: Sabharwal will challenge this BJP candidate According to the information found, a report by the WorldPop team of University of Southampton has found that Bangkok is currently one of the most threatened cities of the virus. Actually, this report is being made on the basis of the number of passengers going to Bangkok from the cities most affected by China. Nirbhaya Case: Supreme Court's verdict, "Harassment in prison is no basis for mercy" It has been learned that Hong Kong is at second place out of 30 other major international cities followed by Taipei (Taiwan), Sydney 12th, New York 16th, London 19th. Shengjie Lai of the University of Southampton said that the spread of the coronavirus is advancing rapidly and that we are closely watching it to give a potentially moment-to-moment analysis of the epidemic. Total of 1038 villages will get facilities including Solid Waste Management in Ganga Yatra