New strain of coronavirus found in Malaysia

New Delhi: Corona epidemic has caused a lot of devastation all over the world. So far, 7.73 lakh people in the whole world have lost their lives due to the virus. Now another dangerous coronavirus has been discovered. This coronavirus has been found in Malaysia. The strain of this novel coronavirus called D614G is reported to be 10 times faster than other coronavirus. The Director General of Health Noor Hisham Abdullah of Malaysia has given information in this regard on the Facebook page.

According to the information, this change has been seen in three cases from a cluster, which started when a restaurant owner and permanent resident returned to Malaysia from India. It has also been found in another cluster case that started with a man who returned from the Philippines. Abdullah has reported that the new form of this coronavirus may mean that current studies on vaccines against mutations may be incomplete or ineffective.

He has said that till now these two groups are controlled due to the rapid spreading public health control operations on the area. This test is an initial test and there are several follow-up tests in progress to test many other cases. Abdullah said that this means that people need to be more aware and careful in the country. Mutations infect other individuals 10 times more and a person spreads more easily through a 'super spreader'.

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