These 5 states suffering due to negligence, 8 people infected thousands

New Delhi: The outbreak of Corona that is getting increased suddenly takes the form of epidemic for the whole world. This virus has caught more than 114000 deaths so far. But still this death game has not stopped. This virus has rocked the whole world today. To prevent the coronavirus, the government put a lockdown. Strictness at every level, but from the responsibilities to the common people, negligence is being overshadowed. 1917 people got infected due to the negligence of 8 people of Delhi, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Rajasthan. The result of negligence is that the infection has taken a terrible form and on an average every state is vulnerable.

CORONAVIRUS: This institute examined 21 samples on day one

Delhi: Tablighi Jamaat and 1650 Corona patients: Thousands of people associated with Tablighi Jamaat gathered in Nizamuddin area from 13 to 15 March, including many foreigners. After the meeting was over, people reached different parts of the country and took the deadly virus with them. These people infected about 1650 people. When they were revealed to be infected, instead of going to the hospital, they kept on hiding here and there.

Mumbai: woman was infected, kept giving tiffin: A 65-year-old woman used to supply tiffin in corporate offices. Corona was later confirmed in her. People taking tiffin were quarantined.

Uttar Pradesh: Noida Company's Negligence, 41 Infected: Even after the first patient of Corona was found in the company, the work was not stopped. As a result, the effects of the infection continued to increase in Noida and the virus was confirmed in 13 of its family members along with 13 employees of the company. The district administration sealed the company after an infection of 24 people. It is now being said that the root of whatever cases are coming up in Noida is the ceasefire company.

First consignment of hydroxychloroquine reached America

Rajasthan: 126 returned from person returned from Oman, 16 infected with doctor: Ramganj person from Jaipur returned from Oman on March 17. He was the most similar. Now the virus has been confirmed in 126 people of the colony along with the family of the young man. Rohit Kumar Singh, Additional Chief Secretary, Health, said that his suspected friend also spread the infection to 12 people. Similarly, the virus was confirmed in a doctor in Bhilwara, which infected 16 people.

Two people returned from abroad spread the virus in 36: Bihar: Plumbers in Muscat continued to resemble people of Siwan. It has infected 23 people. Similarly, instead of isolating himself, a driver who returned from Qatar in Munger went to the hospital with a walk around the whole area. The result was that one of his mistakes infected 13 people.

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