China is saving its economy in the midst of Corona outbreak

China is charging arbitrary prices in exchange for the raw materials needed to make medicines considered effective for protection from Kovid-19. Representatives of the pharma industry involved in pharmaceutical manufacturing say that in the changed circumstances, the prices of raw materials used in these drugs have gone up by four to five times, despite this it is compelled to buy from China. Pharma companies located in Sidkul, Haridwar, are making large-scale medicines other than sanitizers, which are known to be effective in preventing the effects of corona, but their production has now become extremely expensive.

On the other hand, State General Secretary of Pharma Association Anil Sharma says that the raw materials used in medicines made to reduce the effect of Corona are called Active Pharma Ingredients (API). He said that API prices have risen by up to five-fold after the corona has been pumped into the country, mainly due to the increase in prices from China and the cost of loading and haulage in changed circumstances. The problem facing entrepreneurs is that the demand for these drugs is very high in the country at this time and API is very low.

For your information, let us tell you that most of the goods used in medicines come from China, so entrepreneurs have to buy goods even at expensive prices. He said that till February-March the salt called hydroxy chloroquine was Rs 7800 per kg, which is currently getting up to Rs 55 thousand per kg. Azithromycin has increased from Rs 6500 to around Rs 15,000 per kg. Iver mectin has increased from Rs 1400 to Rs 60 thousand per kg. In such a situation, essential medicines are becoming very expensive. The entrepreneurs have demanded the government to control the prices locally as well as the availability of raw materials.

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