Grandson cremated grandmother by wearing PPE kit

Kodad: The death toll due to Coronavirus is increasing. Due to this virus, human relations are also getting wired. There are many people who are not even performing the last rites of those who died from Corona. There was a time when relatives and people of the village used to prepare for the funeral by staying close, but now that round has ended. Even after lying dead for hours, no one is going to look at him.

Meanwhile, now another such news has come, which is heartbreaking. According to this news, when an elderly woman died due to illness, her grandson infected Corona had to be cremated wearing a PPE kit. Yes, this case is being reported from Mungala village near Kodad. As per the information received, an old woman of Mungal village was staying with her grandson. Meanwhile, he died on Sunday. At the same time, Corona, grandson of the old woman was infected and was in home isolation. When the old woman died, no one came forward to perform the last rites of her corpse on suspicion of being corona.

After that, the villagers informed about this on the phone to the grandson of an old woman living in isolation, and after getting information, the grandson reached there. Around 7 o'clock in the evening, the corona victim's grandson arrived home wearing a PPE kit and started crying after seeing his grandmother's body. He then kept the grandmother's body in his car and went straight to the crematorium and cremated the grandmother.

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