Delete WhatsApp if you don’t want your photos to be public: Telegram founder

Telegram founder Parel Durov has launched a major attack on Facebook-owned app WhatsApp. Pavel Durov has said in one of his statements that all people should delete WhatsApp from their phones. Parel said that if you do not want your photos, videos and messages to be public then you should not use WhatsApp.

Pavel wrote on his Telegram account, "Unless you are cool with all of your photos and messages becoming public one day, you should delete WhatsApp from your phone. For information, let us tell you that Pavel has 3,35,000 followers on Telegram.

Currently, there has been a ruckus about the privacy of WhatsApp ever since the NSO group spied around 1,400 people around the world under the Pegasus software. About 20 people from India have also fallen victim to it.

Since the espionage case many people have advised using Telegram and many people are also using Telegram. For information, let us know that the number of WhatsApp users in the world is 1.6 billion i.e. 160 crore, while Telegram's users are 200 million i.e. 200 million. Also Read: Indian Army Releases Advisory, Make This Set Jawan Instantly in WhatsApp It is being told that after hacking through Pegasus, a report of WhatsApp hacking was also revealed through a video file, after which WhatsApp issued an update and suggested the consumer to update the app.

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