Delicious recipe of Bundi Ke Laddoo

Ingredients: 1 kg of gram flour, 600 grams of sugar, 10 grams of cardamom, 20 grams of melon seeds 250 gm pure ghee. For syrup: 600 gm sugar and a glass of water.

Method: First of all, we will prepare the syrup. Therefore, add water to sugar and heat until it gets thickened. Then check the syrup with two fingers. When it starts forming the fibers, keep it in the side. Now to make Bundi: First make a thick batter of gram flour.

Now heat the pure ghee in a pan. Now in this pan, filter the gram flour from the medium hole sieve and filter it. Remove the fried bundi and drain the oil. After leaving bundi from the oil, put bundi in syrup. Once the boondi is well filled in syrup, remove it.

Now mix it with cardamom and melon seeds by mixing them well and make laddoos.

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