Demonetisation: Today, customers can exchange notes at their banks only

New Delhi: On Saturday, government took one step further after the announcement of demonetization, as Banks will now only the swapping of abolished Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 currency notes to the account holders of their own bank, none customer from any other bank will be allowed to do so.

But, senior citizens are exempt from this category, as they can move in any of the Bank to swap the old notes to the new one. Banks will remain closed on Sunday. As well as from Monday onwards, the process of exchanging currency, will again allow all customers to swap old notes at a branch of any banks.

Rajiv Rishi, the head of the Indian Banking Association, said "All these days our own customers have suffered because we have not been able to do their work. So, we have seen lot of pending work at branches especially for our existing customers. We, from IBA, have taken a view that on Saturday we shall be exclusively doing work for our own customers. And on Saturday we will not be doing exchange of notes (for outside customers)".

West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee tweeted while attacking on the decision, "No, note exchange stopped for a day. Yet another whimsical decision. Government must explain. Is there currency shortage? Financial emergency".

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