Avoid These Mistakes While Wearing Lenses to Prevent Serious Consequences

Wearing contact lenses can be a convenient and effective solution for vision correction or cosmetic enhancement. However, improper use of lenses can lead to serious eye problems, as highlighted by recent issues faced by actress Jasmine Bhasin. To ensure your eyes remain healthy and comfortable, it’s crucial to avoid common mistakes associated with contact lens use. Here’s a comprehensive guide on what to do—and what not to do—when wearing lenses.

1. Maintain Proper Hygiene Hand Hygiene: Always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before handling your contact lenses. This step is crucial to prevent transferring harmful bacteria to your lenses and eyes. Use a clean, lint-free towel to dry your hands.

Lens Case Hygiene: Regularly clean and disinfect your lens case according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Replace the case every three to six months to minimize the risk of bacterial growth.

Cleaning Lenses: Before inserting lenses, clean them with an appropriate lens solution. Avoid using water or saliva as they can introduce harmful microorganisms to your eyes.

2. Follow Recommended Wear Duration Wear Time Limits: Adhere to the recommended wear time for your contact lenses. Most lenses are designed for up to eight hours of wear per day. Overextending this time can reduce oxygen flow to your eyes, leading to dryness and irritation.

Gradual Introduction: If you are new to contact lenses, start by wearing them for shorter periods to allow your eyes to adjust. Gradually increase the wear time based on your comfort level and the guidance of your eye care professional.

Avoid Sleeping with Lenses: Unless you are using lenses specifically designed for extended wear, never sleep with your lenses in. This can increase the risk of infections and complications.

3. Care for Your Lens Solution Solution Expiry: Check the expiry date of your lens solution regularly. An opened bottle should be used within one month. Using expired solution can lead to contamination and eye infections.

Proper Storage: Store your lenses in fresh solution and ensure the solution covers the lenses completely. Avoid topping off old solution with new; always use fresh solution when changing the fluid in your lens case.

Avoiding Contamination: Never use tap water or saliva to clean your lenses. These substances can carry harmful bacteria and cause infections.

4. Observe Lens Expiry Dates Single-Use Lenses: Never reuse single-use lenses. These are designed for one-time use only and should be discarded after removal.

Power Lenses: Adhere strictly to the expiry date of your prescription lenses. Using lenses beyond their expiry date can compromise their integrity and your eye health.

Signs of Damage: Inspect your lenses for any signs of damage or discoloration before use. Do not use lenses that are torn, scratched, or have an irregular shape.

5. Handle Lenses with Care During Makeup Application Apply Lenses First: When applying makeup, put in your contact lenses before applying makeup. This minimizes the risk of particles from makeup getting onto your lenses.

Choose Safe Products: Use water-based makeup products rather than oil-based ones, as oil-based products can cause lenses to become dirty or irritate your eyes.

Avoid Waterline Makeup: Refrain from applying kajal or eyeliner directly on your waterline as this can lead to lens contamination and irritation.

Opt for Cream-Based Eyeshadows: Choose cream-based eyeshadows instead of powder-based ones, as powders can easily flake off and get into your eyes.

6. Consult an Eye Care Professional Regularly Routine Check-Ups: Schedule regular eye exams with an eye care professional to monitor your eye health and the fit of your contact lenses. Your eye doctor can provide personalized advice and adjustments as needed.

Addressing Discomfort: If you experience any discomfort, redness, or vision changes while wearing your lenses, consult your eye care provider immediately. Prompt attention can prevent serious issues from developing.

By following these guidelines and maintaining proper lens care practices, you can avoid common pitfalls and enjoy the benefits of contact lenses without compromising your eye health. Proper hygiene, adherence to wear recommendations, and regular eye care are key to preventing serious consequences associated with lens use.

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