Does Panchakarma really reduce weight?

Ayurveda is an old and effective system of medicine, in which many diseases are treated without side effects. A special therapy of this system is Panchkarma, which is considered very beneficial for physical and mental health. Recently, actor Rohit Roy has claimed to have lost 6 kg of weight in just 14 days through Panchkarma. So can Panchkarma really be helpful in weight loss? Let's know about it in detail.

What is Panchakarma?

Panchakarma is a traditional Ayurvedic treatment procedure whose main aim is to completely cleanse the body and balance the three doshas – vata, pitta, and kapha. Panchakarma involves five major procedures that are beneficial for overall cleansing of the body and improving health.

Five procedures of Panchakarma


In this procedure, the patient is given an oil massage and is given oil mixed with Ayurvedic medicines. After this, oil fomentation is done which helps in flushing out the toxins from the body. This procedure helps in weight loss, provides relief in problems like asthma and acidity.


In this process, the intestines are completely cleaned. All the dirt is removed from the body. This process is considered quite effective in problems like jaundice, colitis, and celiac infection.


Basti enema is a procedure in which a decoction made of medicinal substances, oil, ghee or milk is inserted into the rectum. This procedure cleanses the body from within and provides relief in problems like arthritis, piles, and constipation.


This process involves gentle massage and fomentation of the head and shoulders. It is helpful in reducing headaches, hair problems, sleep disorders, neurological disorders, and respiratory diseases.


In this process, the blood is cleansed, which protects the body from many diseases. This process proves helpful in problems like liver, psoriasis, inflammation, and boils.

Can panchakarma reduce weight fast?

According to Ayurveda experts, through Panchkarma, toxins are removed from the body, which keeps the weight under control. This process improves digestion and metabolism, which can reduce excess fat. Panchkarma helps in reducing weight rapidly, but for this it is also necessary to follow a balanced diet and regular lifestyle.

Benefits of Panchakarma Complete cleansing of the body: Through Panchkarma the body gets completely purified from inside. Improves metabolism: It speeds up the body's metabolism. Helps in weight loss: Helps in reducing excess fat. Improves digestion: Helps the digestive system to function properly. Opening of blockages: All blockages in the body are opened. Boosting immunity: Strengthens the body's immune system.

Panchkarma is an effective Ayurvedic method that can help solve various problems of the body and mind. By following it regularly and properly, you can not only lose weight but also see improvement in overall health.

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