War signs in America and Iran, Donald Trump announced this

Washington: After the attack on US bases in Iraq on Saturday night, US President Donald Trump has threatened to target 52 of his targets if attacked by Iran. US President Donald Trump has tweeted that these 52 sites (in memory of the 52 American detainees held hostage by Iran) are important to many Iran and Iranian culture.

Trump's big statement, says, '52 targets of Iran on our target...'

Trump has said that these targets and Iran itself will be targeted very fast and in a very destructive manner. America does not want any more threats. According to the AFP news agency, 2 rockets were fired at the Iraqi hideout, where US troops were stationed. According to Reuters, the rocket was also attacked near the US embassy in Baghdad. However, according to police sources, no casualty has been reported so far in this accident.

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Meanwhile, many countries have instructed Iran and America to exercise restraint. French President Emmanuel Macron variously telephoned talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Adereon over the situation in the Middle East. The 3 leaders expressed concern over the situation in the Middle East region and appealed to various parties to work with restraint.

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