Easy self-defence techniques for women

Self-defence not only helps you protect yourself but others too. Plus, it helps you become physically and emotionally fit. Having the ability to defend yourself increases your self-esteem and boosts your confidence. Self Defense techniques help you to stay safe from the predators present in society.  Do not depend on your father, brothers or on your friend, protect yourself. These are some easy but effective self-defence techniques to stay safe.

 Set verbal boundaries: Good verbal skills are an effective self-defence tool, one you're likely to use more frequently and successfully than any physical technique. When a predator engages you in conversation, he's actually "interviewing" you to see if you'll make a good victim. An experienced attacker is practised at using his words to freeze you with fear, thus reducing the chance that you'll try to defend yourself.

Hammer strike: Using your car keys is one of the easiest ways to defend yourself. Don’t use your fingernails, because you’re more at risk to injure your hands. Instead, if you feel unsafe while walking at night, have your keys stick out from one side of your fist for hammer strikes.

 Groin kick: Stabilize yourself as best you can. Lift your dominant leg off the ground and begin to drive your knee upward. Extend your dominant leg, drive hips forward, slightly lean back, and kick forcefully, making contact between your lower shin or ball of your foot and the attacker’s groin area.

 Elbow strike: If you can, stabilize yourself with a strong core and legs to ensure a powerful blow. Bend your arm at the elbow, shift your weight forward, and strike your elbow into your attacker’s neck, jawline, chin, or temple. These are all effective targets.

Escape from side headlock: Turn into the attacker’s side as much as possible to avoid being choked. With your hand that’s furthest away, strike the groin with open-handed slaps until you have enough mobility to turn your head all the way out to disengage.

Grabbing wrist: grab his little finger and his ring finger with one hand, and his middle and index finger with the other and bend the wrist forward. If you can't grab your opponent's hand, hit him with a fist or with a finger between the collarbones or into his Adam's apple. This will allow you to disorient your opponent enough that it will take him a long time to come back. 

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