Natural way to get rid of Specs without Surgery

Unhealthy lifestyle, nutritional deficiencies and prolonged work on mobiles and computers have a significant impact on eyelight. These days peoples get glasses at an early age and eyesight become weaker. This problem has become quite common among the younger generation. It can also cause great discomfort in the long run, causing great damage to the eyes. To avoid this, doctors recommend eating green vegetables and vitamin AC stuffed foods. Of course, you can include them in the diet. But there are other tips that you can adopt.

If you want your glasses to get off in a few months, follow an easy approach. This will increase your eyesight and the glasses will descend forever. So find out that method.

Saliva will help Eye light decreases its liquidity as acidic production increases. In this case, the saliva, which is of the Alkaline nature, helps to increase the eyesight by controlling this acid. For this, do not wash your mouth as soon as you wake up in the morning and apply mascara in the eyes with stale mouth saliva. Do this every day for a few months and soon remove the glasses forever.

Domestic Paste In addition, you can use a smooth paste made of fennel and cucumbers. This will increase the light and relax your eyes a lot. For this, give a quarter cup of fennel to the water for half an hour. Then mix it with half a cucumber and grind in a mixer. Refrigerate for 10 minutes. Now apply this paste on your undereye area and eyes. Remove it after 15 minutes. Remember to massage the undereye area lightly before using it.

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